Add set GitHubPagesPlugin
in the build.sbt
Essential settings
You probably need only these three setting keys in your project config to publish GitHub Pages.
gitHubPagesSiteDir := baseDirectory.value / "path/to/github-pages-root"
// These aren't mandatory unless sbt-github-pages can't infer them from `git remote`
gitHubPagesOrgName := "USERNAME_OR_ORG",
gitHubPagesRepoName := "YOUR_PROJECT",
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
name := "YOUR_PROJECT",
gitHubPagesOrgName := "USERNAME_OR_ORG",
gitHubPagesRepoName := "YOUR_PROJECT",
gitHubPagesSiteDir := baseDirectory.value / "path/to/github-pages-root"
GitHub Org Name / Username *
This key must be set by the user of this plugin.
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesOrgName | String | Value obtained from calling git remote |
The GitHub organization name (or username) (i.e.OrgName
Most of the times you won't need to set this setting, since sbt-github-pages
will try to read it from the git remote
gitHubPagesOrgName := "Kevin-Lee"
GitHub Repo Name *
This key must be set by the user of this plugin.
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesRepoName | String | Value obtained from calling git remote |
The GitHub project repository name (i.e. RepoName
Most of the times you won't need to set this setting, since sbt-github-pages
will try to read it from the git remote
gitHubPagesRepoName := "sbt-github-pages"
Site Dir *
This key must be set by the user of this plugin.
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesSiteDir | File |
The folder contains all the files to be pushed to the GitHub Pages branch specified at gitHubPagesBranch
Project structure
Root ─┬─ dirA
├─ dirB
└─ website─┬─ dirC
├─ dirD
├─ build <== Contains website files
└─ node_modules
gitHubPagesSiteDir := (ThisBuild / baseDirectory).value / "website" / "build"
More Settings
GitHub Pages Branch
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesBranch | String | gh-pages |
A setting key to set the GitHub Pages branch. By default, it's gh-pages
but if your project repos uses a different branch you can set it up using this key.
e.g.) If you want to use main
branch instead of gh-pages
gitHubPagesBranch := "main"
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesNoJekyll | Boolean | true |
The flag to decide whether to add .nojekyll
GitHub Pages, by default, uses Jekyll to generate a static website. However, sbt-github-pages
is designed to publish a ready to go website to GitHub Pages. So it's necessary to tell GitHub Pages not to use Jeklly and ask to use whatever is sent to the GitHub Pages branch as is. It can be done by placing a .nojekyll
If you want GitHub Pages to use Jekyll and generate a static website, set gitHubPagesNoJekyll
to false
e.g.) Let GitHub Pages use Jekyll to generate a website.
gitHubPagesNoJekyll := false
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesGitHubToken | Option[String] | sys.env.get("GITHUB_TOKEN") |
DO NOT hard-code the actual GitHub auth token String here. Use an environment variable instead.
The GitHub authentication token (default: The value from environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN
If you're using GitHub Actions to publish, you don't need to set it up at all.
GitHub provides the GitHub token in GitHub Actions build so you can just use it.
e.g.) In your GitHub Actions config yml file,
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# ...
- name: Publish website
run: |
echo "> Publish GitHub Pages"
sbt publishToGitHubPages
e.g.) If you want to change it,
gitHubPagesGitHubToken := sys.env.get("SOME_OTHER_VAR")
DO NOT hard-code the actual GitHub auth token String here. Use an environment variable instead.
Dirs To Ignore
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesDirsToIgnore | Set[String] | Set("target", "bin", "output") |
A list of directory names to be ignored when committing to the GitHub Pages branch.
e.g.) You add more or remove some.
gitHubPagesDirsToIgnore := Set("node_modules", "build", "output")
Ignore Dot Dirs
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesIgnoreDotDirs | Boolean | true |
A flag to indicate whether to ignore or not dot directories when committing to the GitHub Pages branch. |
e.g.) To include all the dot dirs like .cache
, .github
, .idea
, etc., set it to false
gitHubPagesIgnoreDotDirs := false
Accepted Text Extensions
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesAcceptedTextExtensions | Set[String] | Set(".md", ".css", ".html", ".xml", ".js", ".txt") |
Accepted text files to create UTF-8
encoded String
based blob.
If the file's extension is not one of these, Base64
encoded blob is created.
Set(".md", ".css", ".html", ".xml", ".js", ".txt")
e.g.) You add more or remove some.
gitHubPagesAcceptedTextExtensions :=
Set(".json", ".js", ".css", ".html")
Accepted Text MaxLength
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesAcceptedTextMaxLength | Int | 10240 |
The max length of the bytes (Array[Byte]
) of the file to commit.
If the file byte size is greater than this, Base64
encoded blob is created.
e.g.) You can make it smaller.
gitHubPagesAcceptedTextMaxLength := 6144
Publish Commit Message
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesPublishCommitMessage | String | ENV VAR GITHUB_PAGES_PUBLISH_COMMIT_MESSAGE or Updated ${gitHubPagesBranch.value} |
The commit message when publish to GitHub Pages.
First, it tries to get the value from the environment variable GITHUB_PAGES_PUBLISH_COMMIT_MESSAGE
If not found, the default value is s"Updated ${gitHubPagesBranch.value}"
gitHubPagesPublishCommitMessage :=
s"Updated ${gitHubPagesBranch.value}"
e.g.) If you want to have a different message, you can change it.
gitHubPagesPublishCommitMessage := s"New stuff in my awesome website!!!"
Publish Force Push
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesPublishForcePush | Boolean | ENV VAR GITHUB_PAGES_PUBLISH_FORCE_PUSH or false |
The commit message when publish to GitHub Pages.
First, it tries to get the value from the environment variable GITHUB_PAGES_PUBLISH_FORCE_PUSH
If not found, the default value is false
gitHubPagesPublishCommitMessage :=
e.g.) If you want to, you can enable force push.
gitHubPagesPublishForcePush := true
Use GitHub Enterprise
support GitHub Enterprise
There are four properties can be used to use GitHub Enterprise. To set these up, get the right values from your company.
GitHub Enterprise - Base URL
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesGitHubBaseUrl | String | ENV VAR GITHUB_ENT_BASE_URL or |
NOTE: The trailing slash is significant. So https://some.url.blah
does not work. It should be https://some.url.blah/
gitHubPagesGitHubBaseUrl := ""
GitHub Enterprise - Authorize URL
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesGitHubAuthorizeUrl | String | ENV VAR GITHUB_ENT_AUTHORIZE_URL or |
gitHubPagesGitHubAuthorizeUrl :=
GitHub Enterprise - Access Token URL
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesGitHubAccessTokenUrl | String | ENV VAR GITHUB_ENT_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL or |
gitHubPagesGitHubAccessTokenUrl :=
GitHub Enterprise - Headers
Name | Value Type | Default |
gitHubPagesGitHubHeaders | Map[String, String] | ENV VAR GITHUB_ENT_HEADERS or Map("User-Agent" -> "github4s") |
e.g.) When using the environment variable, the value should be JSON containing String key to String value pairs. e.g.)
export GITHUB_ENT_HEADERS='{"User-Agent":"app-doc-publisher", "something-else":"blah"}'
gitHubPagesGitHubHeaders := Map("User-Agent" -> "app-doc-publisher")